If You Don’t Know What to Say, It is best not to Say it
The problem with finding good prospects is facing the challenges of saying the right things to attract them to your business opportunity.
Those in Network Marketing are always searching for good people to join their team, those elusive good people — the kind who are committed to making it in this business. Ambitious people who are not easily influenced by others once they’ve made up their own minds based on their own research and personal experiences. Look for prospects who are fun to be around, friendly, open-minded, hard working, and self starting people. And of course, they will have a major sphere of influence over other people just like them.
Everybody knows that the first step in the Network Marketing business is attracting good people, and then, getting them to listen.
What not to say:
- “Anyone can do it. It’s easy.”
Stop thinking that anyone can make in the Network Marketing business. Not everyone is cut out to make it in this business. So eliminate this expression, “Anyone can do it. It’s easy.”
- “You can and you will make big money . . . almost immediately in this business.”
Not true. Yet many in this business continue to say this. Nobody knows how things are going to turn out in this business. It takes work, just like starting in any other business. This business is not for opportunity seekers. You want people who are motivated and not people who want something for nothing.
- “Everyone will want this product.”
Most Network Marketing companies use sayings such as this in promoting their products and services.
Well for that matter anybody in the manufacturing and service industry feel that way about their products and services. So it is best to target your prospects; those who have the entrepreneurial flair and are truly motivated to make a go of it.
So is it right for everyone? Not necessarily! Will everyone do something about their situation for which your product or business might well be the answer? Complaining about things and doing something about it are two different scenarios.
- “Ours is the best company with the best pay plan.”
You just cannot offer such a comment. Yet this is what practically every company says about themselves.
Nothing is “best” for everyone. No one would want that anyway.
The people you want to attract, know better than to believe the line that “Ours (this) is the best (you name it) in the history of the world, for everyone in the world.” People prefer choices. Choice is what they will have or create, depending on who they are and what they think is important.
- All you have to do is talk to people that you know.”
This is just not true. It takes hard work to make it in the Networking industry or any other business for that matter. This comment is the number one reason new people don’t make it in Network Marketing. Do you want to send a good new prospect into this destructive environment without preparation? Without aiming them with all the alternatives there are for finding good people? Think carefully about this. Nobody ever offers such advice when starting out in a business, “all you have to do is talk to people you know.” How ridiculous!
Good health to you!