Network Marketing Is A Business… Run It Like One!
Some of you have been in the Network Marketing business for many years. Some have been successful beyond their dreams and others still continue to struggle. Here are some ideas and thoughts that may help those of you who struggle in this business.
Consider this:
Get out of the emotion of Network Marketing and get into the business of Network Marketing. Instead of choosing a company on the basis of like I the person sponsoring or knowing that person, choose a Network company on the basis of the reality of the business. Run your Network Marketing business like a business.
Focus your attention on more action, more presentations, and more recruitment. Become the right kind of person and the right kinds of people decide to follow you. It really does work.
Gather knowledge and tools to support yourself in it. Study the Network Marketing industry. Read everything you can from those in this business that are successful. Study their presentations and how they postured themselves.
Change your attitude toward the Network Marketing industry and believe in it and yourself.
Try this:
Know your presentation, rehearse it and become proficient in it. Learn how to overcome any objections that may be thrown at you. The best way to overcome any objections in your presentations is to deal with the issues before they become objections.
The novice salesperson fears objections; the expert in the business welcomes them. They are a natural step in decision-making. Objections do not have to be stumbling blocks to recruitment. Instead, they are usually a sign that they need your feedback, they require reassurance, and they want justification, a sounding board, more information, or elaboration.
To think about:
You need to listen carefully. Listening carefully encourages people to talk. You don’t talk your prospects into signing up with you; you listen them into signing up. We can use our listening edge to encourage our prospects to tell us what aspects of the business will attract them. Though we are paid to communicate, effective communication is far from just talking — it is the best listeners who are the best recruiters, hands down.
Remember this:
#1: Present yourself with strength.
#2: Know your presentation, rehearse it and become proficient.
#3: You need to listen carefully.
#4: At the right time, sign them!
So run your Network Marketing business like a business.
Good health to you!