In our fast-changing, competitive sales oriented world, where people are being pressured, and influenced from all sides to use different business products, and services other than yours… how many people are in sales?
Everyone realizes that, even if you are an accountant, you are in sales. Everybody is in sales. The only difference is — some people are good in sales, and some people are not.
If you are thinking that you are not in sales, it is more than likely that you won’t be successful in your field. If you have the wrong paradigm, if you feel that you’re not in sales, then you might as well throw in the towel. Of course you’re in sales, everybody’s in sales.
No matter what you do, you are in the business of either influencing others in a positive way to respond to your ideas, or you’re simply being a passive recipient of influence — doing what other people tell you or want you to do.
If you want to build a business, you have to be able to influence others in a positive way to go along with your suggestion. If you can’t do that, then you end up working for others the rest of your life and you no longer are in sales.
One of the primary reasons why people are poor is because they have this obsessive panic at the idea of asking a person to do something, and having them say; “No.” Everyone hates rejection! They’re so terrified of rejection that they would much rather be poor, and underachieve for their entire lives, than put themselves out on the front line where somebody might say “No.”
Some are great at sales, and others are not.
Which are you?
Consider this:
Selling is merely a way of communicating with people and finding out what it is that they want and need. Then, if you’re selling, you help them to get it by showing the benefits and using your products or service or business opportunity. If you don’t know how to do that, you accomplish far less than what you are capable of accomplishing.
People in Network Marketing industry are sales people. How high up you go in this business is determined by how well you sell. The top people in the Network Marketing industry are excellent sales people. They communicate well with people. They believe in what they’re doing. They think things out, and they’re well organized.
When they come in contact with people, they have a well-organized approach; they move from opening the conversation, to finding out what people want and need. Then they gradually take people who are negative or uninterested to being neutral, and then positive, and then they take the opportunity to present their business opportunity or product line.
To think about
Usually professional sales people, work only about an hour and a half a day. That’s according to surveys and studies by Sales and Marketing Management magazine of Darnell Corporation. They just don’t use their time particularly well. They always have to be reminded to manage their time better.
So, if you were to just increase the time that you are with your prospects and make presentations, you’d be more successful — you’d probably double your sales.
What Are Prospects?
A prospect is a person who can, and will buy or sign within a reasonable period of time.
Don’t waste your time with people that have made it clear that they’re not interested in making a change for a few months or even years. This is just not a good prospect!
We know that every single product, or service has a sales cycle. A sales cycle may be a week, a month, six months, a year, whatever it happens to be. When you talk to a person, you’ve got to find out — for sure, and at the beginning — if they are within your sales cycle.
Ask your prospect: “If I show you something that you’ll really like, when would you be thinking of making a decision?”
This person is taking up your time, and your life, which is all you have to sell. So, you have the right to ask if they are serious in moving ahead.
In Network Marketing you need to use your time wisely, so that you are able to recruit just one excellent person who has the capacity to build a business under him, each month. But that requires sorting people out honestly, and with clear objective questions.
Consider this:
Ask right at the beginning, “I will show you something that is the most exciting business opportunity you’ve ever seen, and it offers you a way to achieve financial independence within a few years by making just a few small adjustments in what you’re doing today, would you be interested in looking into it?” The person says, “Yes, I would be interested in looking at it.” Good. Now you’re ready to go to move ahead.
However, many people in Network Marketing are reluctant to even suggest that they’re in the business at all. Everyone is in the sales business! If you are in Network Marketing, you owe it to yourself to become excellent at selling.
Selling is the business of persuading, communicating, negotiating, finding out what people want and need, and helping them get the benefits with your products and business opportunity.
Selling is basically the business of getting along well with other people.
All top Network Marketing sales people have great personalities; they’re really likable people. They’re very enjoyable people. They get along well with an enormous number of other people. Why?
Because they’re very skilled at what it takes to be good sales people, and those selling skills are exactly the same skills it takes to be good in human interaction.
Everyone is in selling, and everyone needs good selling skills. Many people think that selling is loud talk, fast talk, pressure, manipulation, and so on. Absolutely not! The very best Network Marketers are really low-key, friendly, warm people. Really genuine people about whom others say, “I’d like to be involved with this person.”
REPLACE FEAR WITH CURIOSITY Courage Changes Everything.