Many of you Networkers will attend company business occasions as well as other events with Network Marketing leaders, and personal mentors throughout the years as you grow your business opportunities.
Here are some questions to ask yourself to ensure that these occasions boost your business rather than provide just a fun weekend that doesn’t produce long-term results:
- What is the reason that I am going to this event?
- What result do I want to accomplish?
- How is the information going to benefit my team and me?
- What is the next step for me in growing my business?
- How can I be more effective as a leader, and mentor?
- How can other leaders present benefit my business and me?
- Am I doing all that I can to build my business to the best of my ability?
- What questions would I like to get answered specifically?
- How can other mentors present assist me?
- What challenges do I face most?
- What goals should I set?
- What experience of those present can I benefit from?
- What introductions can I make of those on my team to others?
Consider this:
To get the most benefit from a business meeting, there are three vital things involved. These are preparation, participation, and practice.
Try the following:
Prepare for Them:
Set aside time to prepare for the meeting. Do not allow anything to rob you of the time you need to review in advance the material that will be discussed at the meeting. It helps to have a good routine. Be sure to set aside time to prepare for this business meeting at least a day or two in advance.
You will benefit more from the meeting when you put forth the effort to participate at the meeting if the meeting is so designed.
You are interested in growing your Network Marketing business, so you need to concentrate actively on what is being taught at the meeting. Sometimes, listening to a talk is harder than giving one. Why? Your mind may wander when someone else is speaking. How can you combat this? If you have a tablet, or other device be sure to take notes. Jot down important points that you want to refer to later. Note taking will help you keep your mind focused on the program.
Additionally, make it your goal to have a share in each question-and-answer period at the meeting. You will benefit even more if you give careful thought to what you want to say.
Practice What You Learn:
The final step is to make sure that what you learn is at work in you. As you apply the fine points you learn at each meeting, you will experience great joy, and satisfaction because you got the best out of your business occasion.
REPLACE FEAR WITH CURIOSITY Courage Changes Everything.