A Mentor is someone that develops a personal relationship with you in which that person’s experience or knowledge helps to guide a less experienced or less knowledgeable person. The mentor may be older or younger, but have a certain area of expertise. When promoting your business venture in Network Marketing it is wise to follow the example of those in this business to become successful.
Consider this:
Mentors are tools for all seasons and reasons. Power tools that make your job easier and often cause you to work harder than you did before.
Mentors are like hammers, pounding in new idea nails. Mentors are like saws, cutting things to the proper size. Measure twice cut once; shaping material circumstances to fit precisely. A mentor drills holes; glues separate pieces together, screws things down tight, sandpapers rough edges. Walla a finished product!
Mentors provide business advice, as well as support and encouragement, to help entrepreneurs remain focused on what is important for the success of their business.
Network Marketing, mentoring can improve team satisfaction and retention, enrich new prospects initiation, make your business opportunity more appealing to recruits, and train leaders. Unlike similar learning incentives like training programs or offering to pay for courses, mentoring utilizes the resources that Network Marketing already has.
To be successful in Network Marketing, business owners need assistance from other experienced Network Marketers who have an intimate knowledge of how this business works. Some, who start their business opportunity in this industry, try to get their information from business books and classes. While these can be helpful on their own, they are more helpful alongside business mentoring especially in Network Marketing. In a business mentoring relationship, a seasoned Network Marketer meets with a new or potential prospect one-on-one to give advice.
To think about:
The biggest benefit of having a business mentor in this industry is having someone you can ask questions and get advice. As a new prospect, you are likely to get more advice than you ask for from people like family members, friends and the people who really know nothing about this business. While some of their advice may be okay, your mentor can help you sort out which you should follow while advising you on more complicated business matters that your friends or family would not know how to solve.
A Network Marketing mentor can put you in touch with contacts that can help you make your business opportunity more successful. The more networking you do, the more people you meet. And the more people you meet, the greater the odds are that you will have someone who can help you be successful in your new business opportunity. For example, your Network Marketing mentor may introduce you to other team members. Perhaps he is great at web design. Perhaps you are looking for someone to help you design your new company’s website. Thanks to the mentor’s contact, your search for a valuable asset may have just become easier.
Mentors in the Network Marketing business are not the only people who benefit from business mentoring. By helping others in Network Marketing improve their business skills, business mentors may improve their own skills. They may be inspired with new ideas, meet new prospects and learn new business strategies from other mentors. So make good use of the mentoring tool and become successful in Network Marketing.
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